
Political Correctness

The justice system in our country is based on a single principle: Innocent until proven guilty. But wait, that's not true anymore. In today's world, if you are accused of certain crimes, then you are guilty. No ifs, ands, or buts. Today we have a new court in this country: The Court of Public Opinion.

Americans have always fought against censorship. Well, most of us anyway. But people don't seem to realize that political correctness is just a euphemism for censorship.

Political Correctness has one ultimate goal: To change the way people think. We have seen this before. It was called McCarthyism. It was called this, because the movement was headed by one Joseph McCarthy. He was a senetor who was obscessed with eliminating communism in this country.

There is something we all need to get straight: There is a HUGE difference between being offended, and being sexually harrassed. I'm sure we've all heard of Jerold J. Mackenzie who was fired from Miller Brewing Company after he told a female coworker about an episode of Seinfeld. The discussion included one or two references to parts of the female anaotmy. The female coworker was offended and reported the incident to superiors. Mackenzie was then fired because he had "sexually harrassed" his coworker. Let's be clear about this: This woman was not sexually harrassed, she was mildly offended and she overreacted. She then made use of the public relations nightmare that is political correctness to have him punished.